Saturday, October 2, 2010

not really news worthy

I haven't updated in awhile. I haven't really been thinking about much as of lately life has been good. I was talking to my cousin the other day because he texted me at like 340a and the text simply read "i love coke" and i know he was texting me that early in the morning to tell me how much he really loved a tasty beverage. Ever since he moved back to my home town things have been on a downward slope for him. Makes me really sad and only reassures me what i already knew that Sonora is no place for the youth to thrive that town will suck you dry and you won't even realize it and when you do its already to late and there is nothing you can do to fish yourself out. I asked him how long he has been doing coke and he said that it was his first time and it made me cringe because i know it won't be his last encounter with it. What could have drove him to try it? Boredom, depression, peer pressure..? I really hope that he decides that it wasn't for him and chooses not to do it again and looks the other way and tries to get some money together to come back out here because houston is his only chance at a real life as long as he can choose the right people to surround himself with. Anywho i guess that is all i have for this post..

Monday, August 30, 2010

my bestfriend. my mother.

I've heard once that in a child's eye mother is god. This is very true i never knew how true this was until i lost my mother to ALS in 2006. My world came crashing down so fast even though i knew it would happen sooner than later. We always hoped for later. My mother and father divorced when i was 6 months old so all i knew was my mother she alone raised me and my 2 sisters. She also had my stepfather although he turned out to be a piece of shit she had him. My mother was a beautiful person strong and amazing. Today i miss her. I wish that i had spent more time with her she left me with great memories no matter how hard we struggled i never went with out my mother always found a way to give us the world. She was our world when ill words fell between my sisters and i my mother would always remind us that we are all each other has so we shouldn't stay mad at each other. She was my bestfriend. Today i miss her..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Baby boy blus

Sunday my son turns one I can't believe that time is flying by. I feel like I just had him yesterday! I am absolutely blessed to have him in my life he makes everyday an adventure. I actually think I may cry lol what a wuss I am. I still have so much to do before Sunday gets here which I refer to as D day haha. I still need to buy ice cream and gift bags and a piƱata. What a procrastinator I am it seems as though I have grown a lot after become a mother some things will never change. I am so anxious! I hope I can find everything that I need tomorrow. First order of business tomorrow is go and put my weekly order super early!! On the work note I have been on my game somewhat I yave had minor set backs but I am hopin that I will be able to get into school so that I can quit this dreaded job. In November I will have been with Starbucks for 6 years wow I have given this damn place so much of my life! WTF lol. I can't keep my eyes open I have so much to do tomorrow sleep well

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gaining control

So i spoke to my manager about our "situation", she did nothing but make excuses as to why things are the way they are. I am trying trying to hold on until i hear about another opportunity my sister told me that when God closes one door another opens. I now feel like i am standing in a dark hallway waiting for this door to open, i know i won't be waiting for long. I have faith that i will be able to sever ties with this place and truly feel at peace because i tried really hard to find the joy i used to have working for this place but that dragon of a woman absolutely makes it hard.
I know i have more skills than making lattes, babysitting a bunch of grown people and "counting" money i know that i will rise above this.

On another note the hubby has been talking about finally taking our honeymoon. We have been married for almost two years and have yet to take one. I hope when we do that we go some where amazing :) this is all for tonight i must catch some zzZZzz now.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Treading into the unknown

So i am completely at a cross road here with my job. It has been hanging on by the hinges for a few months now but its clear what i need to do. I am trying to cut myself free of starbucks only because the manager that i have now has completely made me lose my desire to continue on with the company. This week she only gave me 28 hrs! I was shocked when i looked at the schedule i did not expect that much of a drastic drop. For almost two years i have opened that store monday through friday and have not been late once! I have done so much for that store and that manager i feel like my work has completely been ignored because of her personal opinion of me which is so unprofessional. I tried to go through the proper channels to find out what is really going on and if the things that were claimed that she said held any truth but it seems all corporate and upper management did was brush me aside. My district manager did nothing but make feel as if i was reading too much into the situation and some how creating this all on my own that my manager had no ill intentions. Then another bomb drops i looked at my schedule for the following week and low and behold she only gave me 27 hrs when i specifically asked her if she could get me as close to 40 hrs as possible and what does she do dock my hours by 1hr. I was enraged when i look at the schedule i tried to talk to her about it but she gave me nothing and told me the "schedule is not written in blood, i told you we'd talk about it friday" I told her we wouldn't even be having this conversation if she had just given me more than 27 hrs! If this isn't personal then i have no clue what is!
With all of that being said i have applied at a couple of different places and i hope that i get some responses fast because i have no clue how much longer i can hold on at this place. I am trying to hard to not lose my temper and just exploded i pray that i can just wade through the high waters and that when the storm calms i will prevail. i just have no clue what could drive some one to be so crazy and mean to another because they feel threatened and this is a 40 yr old woman i am talking about.

My job is a main concern but so are so many other things! aargh how did i get to this point?

Monday, June 14, 2010

The classics

Aaahhh, the "Classics" how i missed them. Its a rare group of friends that remind me so much of the good times. They also respond to my hippie friends..always with a new piece to talk about or a new idea that they have. Always good times when these kats are around i'm hoping that its not a long time until i see them again!

Now, for my day at the bux let me start with that the morning went off with out a hitch! It was great until my boss II we will call her came in. She is so useless...its almost as if she isn't there. She basically um did NOTHING! Then my real boss came in and things went from mediocre to chaos. She is always so tense and makes everyone around her tense and it makes me sooo anxious! I had to get out of there we finally got the store together and then off to lunch i went then the day slowly got better because i got to draw the chalk board and that meant i got to get off the floor because that lady pretty much makes me wanna hit her! Either way i am tired and i think i am going to nap

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tick tock goes the clock

Times seriously keeps ticking by and nothing is being done my DM aka the hamburgler was suppose to come to my store last week but of course nothing. Partly my fault because i was trying to call him all week and when i finally went to do it i lost the number!! FRICK i suck, oh well i am hoping that he come this week. Tomorrow is suppose to be hell because we are starting something new warming sandwiches among all of the other lame shit we are required to do. I am sure my manager is going to show up early to put a damper in my shift and give me major anxiety like she always does. I feel like i need to take a Xanax or a downer when she is there because she is always high strung and it makes everyone else on edge. Anyway i had to get that off of my chest before i explode! lol Either way today is going to be a good day it is only 12:48 pm and we are waiting for a group of friends to come over that we haven't seen in a LONG ass time :) We cleaned the house up and we decided that next weekend is reserved for some serious cleaning i mean moving furniture and throwing shit away. Maybe a garage soon? ugh those things are so damn stressful! Anywho back to my friends coming by it should be good times we are going to drink and stuff our faces because my honey is going to barbecue! I should probably get to preparing some food or deciding how the menu is going to go! Maybe monday will be the day i find out something is being done, i have a lot of things to talk about with ken because my review was really shitty. After 5 1/2 years i find out that i am mediocre at my job! I got a 2.3 on my review out of a possible 4! Can you believe that shit? I know i am better at my job than that especially since they were at one point considering me a ASM who knows about that anymore? I have posted some applications on line to work at UTH medical school in the medical center hopefully i get at least one call back. I am seriously over working with starbucks if i keep working with that maniac!